Fondsverschmelzung von BNP Fonds

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FFB – Fonds-Spot-News. Mitgeteilt.

Zuverlässigkeit zählt bei uns doppelt. Tag für Tag! BNP Paribas hat uns darüber informiert, dass folgende Fonds zum 18. Februar 2013 fusionieren. Dies bedeutet, dass die Anteile der „abgebenden Fonds“ in einem von der KAG vorgegebenen Verhältnis in den „aufnehmenden Fonds“ aufgehen. Dieses Umtauschverhältnis wird von der KAG am Fusionstag bekannt gegeben.


Abgebender Fonds ISN Aufnehmender Fonds ISIN
BNP Paribas L1 Safe Balanced W1 LU0269750187 BNP Paribas L1 Safe Balanced W1 LU0179773345
BNP Paribas L1 Safe Growth W1 LU0269751409 BNP Paribas L1 Safe Growth W1 LU0179774236
BNP Paribas L1 Safe Balanced W4 LU0269750344 BNP Paribas L1 Safe Balanced W4 LU0186252291
BNP Paribas L1 Safe Growth W4 LU0269752555 BNP Paribas L1 Safe Growth W4 LU0186252531
BNP Paribas L1 Safe Stability W4 LU0269753363 BNP Paribas L1 Safe Stability W4 LU0186252887

BNP Paribas L1 Convertible Bond Best Selection Europe


BNP Paribas L FUND Equity Europe C


BNP Paribas L FUND Equity Europe C


BNP Paribas L FUND Equity Europe C


Die letzte Ausgabe von Anteilen der „abgebenden Fonds“ wird über die FFB am 04. Februar 2013
stattfinden. Die Rücknahme von Anteilen des „abgebenden Fonds“ ist über die FFB ebenfalls noch bis zum 04. Februar 2013 möglich.

Bei der Fondszusammenlegung werden wir entsprechend dem Vorschlag der Fondsgesellschaft verfahren. Pläne in den „abgebenden Fonds“ werden automatisch auf die „aufnehmenden Fonds“ umgestellt und dort fortgeführt.

Bitte beachten Sie hierbei die eventuell abweichenden Anlageschwerpunkte. Soll zur Abdeckung der
ursprünglich verfolgten Anlageziele ein anderer Fonds genutzt werden, benötigen wir unbedingt einen
gesonderten Auftrag.

Wir weisen darauf hin, dass die Verschmelzung unter Umständen für Ihre Kunden steuerliche
Konsequenzen hat. Wir empfehlen Ihren Kunden daher, sich bei ihrem Steuer- bzw. Finanzberater über die steuerlichen Auswirkungen gemäß den Steuergesetzen in ihrem Wohnsitz- oder Aufenthaltsland zu

In Bezug auf §42a InvG werden wir die Bestandskunden des aufnehmenden Fonds ebenfalls schriftlich
über die Fondsfusion informieren.

Anbei finden Sie den dauerhaften Datenträger der Fondsgesellschaft.

Wir möchten an dieser Stelle darauf hinweisen, dass es sich bei dem beigefügten Dokument um ein
Schriftstück der Fondsgesellschaft handelt. Für die Verwahrung und Administration von Anteilen und die Umsetzung von Aufträgen verweisen wir auf unsere allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen nebst Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Frankfurt am Main, 25. Januar 2013


Notice to shareholders
““Convertible Bond Best Selection Europe – Classic H USD-CAP”
“Equity Europe – Classic-CAP registered in USD”
“Real Estate Securities Europe – Classic GBP-DIS”
“Safe – Fintro-DIS”
as Merging share classes
“Convertible Bond Best Selection Europe – Classic-CAP registered in USD”
“Equity Europe – Classic USD-CAP”
“Real Estate Securities Europe – Classic-DIS registered in GBP”
“Safe – Classic-DIS”
as Receiving share classes
In the context of the rationalisation of the BNP Paribas Group range of funds and associated costs, the Board of Directors of the Luxembourg UCITS BNP Paribas L1 (the Company)
decides, in accordance with the provisions of Article 32 of the Articles of Association of the Company, to dissolve without liquidation the Merging shares classes by transfer all of its assets
and liabilities into the Receiving shares classes in exchange for the issuing to its shareholders of new shares of the Receiving classes as follows.

Sub-fund Category Class Main Currency ISIN
Equity Europe

Classic Registered in USD

CAP EUR LU0010012721

Convertible Bond Best Selection Europe

Classic H USD CAP USD LU0377064778
Real Estate Securities Europe Classic GBP DIS GBP LU0224377985
Safe Balanced W1 Fintro DIS EUR LU0269750187
Safe Balanced W4 Fintro DIS EUR LU0269750344
Safe Balanced W7 Fintro DIS EUR LU0269750427
Safe Balanced W10 Fintro DIS EUR LU0269750930
Safe Conservative W1 Fintro DIS EUR LU0291278835
Safe Conservative W4 Fintro DIS EUR LU0291280732
Safe Conservative W7 Fintro DIS EUR LU0291284304
Safe Conservative W10 Fintro DIS EUR LU0291289105
Safe Growth W1 Fintro DIS EUR LU0269751409
Safe Growth W4 Fintro DIS EUR LU0269752555
Safe Growth W7 Fintro DIS EUR LU0269752712
Safe Growth W10 Fintro DIS EUR LU0269753017
Safe High Growth W1 Fintro DIS EUR LU0291279643
Safe High Growth W4 Fintro DIS EUR LU0291283751
Safe High Growth W7 Fintro DIS EUR LU0291285459
Safe High Growth W10 Fintro DIS EUR LU0291291267
Safe Stability W1 Fintro DIS EUR LU0269753108
Safe Stability W4 Fintro DIS EUR LU0269753363
Safe Stability W7 Fintro DIS EUR LU0269753520
Safe Stability W10 Fintro DIS EUR LU0269753793


Receiving Pack
Sub-fund Category Class

Main Currency

Equity Europe Classic USD CAP USD LU0531757911 1

Convertible Bond Best Selection Europe

Classic Registered in USD

CAP EUR LU0377063960 2
Real Estate Securities Europe

Classic-DIS Registered in GBP

DIS EUR LU0153636146 2
Safe Balanced W1 Classic DIS EUR LU0179773345 3
Safe Balanced W4 Classic DIS EUR LU0186252291 3
Safe Balanced W7 Classic DIS EUR LU0191756260 3
Safe Balanced W10 Classic DIS EUR LU0194605332 3
Safe Conservative W1 Classic DIS EUR LU0291278595 3
Safe Conservative W4 Classic DIS EUR LU0291280229 3
Safe Conservative W7 Classic DIS EUR LU0291284213 3
Safe Conservative W10 Classic DIS EUR LU0291288396 3
Safe Growth W1 Classic DIS EUR LU0179774236 3
Safe Growth W4 Classic DIS EUR LU0186252531 3
Safe Growth W7 Classic DIS EUR LU0191757409 3
Safe Growth W10 Classic DIS EUR LU0194606140 3
Safe High Growth W1 Classic DIS EUR LU0291279213 3
Safe High Growth W4 Classic DIS EUR LU0291283249 3
Safe High Growth W7 Classic DIS EUR LU0291285020 3
Safe High Growth W10 Classic DIS EUR LU0291291184 3
Safe Stability W1 Classic DIS EUR LU0179775043 3
Safe Stability W4 Classic DIS EUR LU0186252887 3
Safe Stability W7 Classic DIS EUR LU0191758126 3
Safe Stability W10 Classic DIS EUR LU0194607205 3

Pack 1
Shareholders of a Merging class will receive a number of new shares equal to the one they already hold within the Merging class., registered in the Receiving class in the same currency
as in the Merging class.

Only holders of “Equity Europe-Classic-CAP” shares who have subscribed and are registered in USD will receive Receiving shares which reference currency is USD. Registered shareholders will receive registered shares.

Shareholders of bearer shares will receive dematerialised bearer shares. No balancing cash adjustment will be paid for the fraction of the Receiving share attributed beyond the third decimal.
Last subscription, conversion and redemption orders in the Merging class will be accepted until the cut-off time on 13 February 2013. Orders received after this cut-off time will be rejected.
Merger will be effective on 18 February 2013, first NAV calculation day taking into account merged assets.
The Receiving classes have identical features to the Merging classes with the following exception:
– The reference currency of the “Equity Europe-Classic-CAP” Merging class is EUR with valuation in EUR and USD when the reference currency of the Receiving class is USD valuated in USD).
Pack 2
Shareholders of the Merging class will receive into the Receiving class, up to three decimals, a total number of shares, calculated by multiplying the number of shares held in the Merging
class by the exchange ratio cited below.
For this merger, new issued Receiving shares will be registered in:
– USD into the “Convertible Bond Best Selection Europe-Classic-CAP” class which reference currency is EUR,
– GBP into the “Real Estate Securities Europe-Classic-DIS” class which reference currency is EUR.
The exchange ratios will be calculated and audited as at 15 February 2013 by dividing the net asset value (NAV) per share of the Merging class calculated on 15 February 2013 by the
corresponding NAV per share of the Receiving class and calculated on 15 February 2013 based on the valuation of the underlying set on 14 February 2013.
The NAV of the “Convertible Bond Best Selection Europe-Classic-CAP” Receiving class will be calculated in USD.
The NAV of the “Real Estate Securities Europe-Classic-DIS” Receiving class will be calculated in GBP.
The criteria adopted for valuation of the assets and, where applicable, the liabilities on the date for calculating the exchange ratio will be the same as those used for the NAV calculation
as described in the chapter “Net Asset Value” of the Book I of the prospectus.
Registered shareholders will receive registered shares.
Shareholders of bearer shares will receive dematerialised bearer shares. No balancing cash adjustment will be paid for the fraction of the Receiving share attributed beyond the third decimal.
Last subscription, conversion and redemption orders in the Merging class will be accepted until the cut-off time on 13 February 2013. Orders received after this cut-off time will be rejected.
To facilitate the merger operation, subscription, conversion and redemption orders in the Receiving class received after the cut-off time on 13 February 2013 will be suspended and treated
on the NAV of 15 February 2013 calculated on 18 February 2013. NAV of 14 February 2013 will not be calculated.
Merger will be effective on 18 February 2013, first NAV calculation day taking into account merged assets.
The Receiving class has identical features to the Merging class with the following exceptions:
– The currency exchange risk between EUR and USD is not hedged in the “Convertible Bond Best Selection Europe-Classic-CAP” class;
The reference currency of the Receiving class is EUR (USD in the Merging class) but NAV are calculated in EUR and USD.
– The reference currency of the “Real Estate Securities Europe-Classic-DIS” Receiving class is EUR (GBP in the Merging class) but NAV are calculated in EUR and GBP.
Pack 3
Shareholders of the Merging class will receive into the Receiving class, up to three decimals, a total number of shares, calculated by multiplying the number of shares held in the Merging
class by the exchange ratio cited below, registered in the Receiving class in the same currency as in the Merging class (EUR).
The exchange ratios will be calculated and audited as at 15 February 2013 by dividing the net asset value (NAV) per share of the Merging classes calculated on 15 February 2013 by the
corresponding NAV per share of the Receiving classes calculated on 15 February 2013 based on the valuation of the underlying set on 14 February 2013.
The criteria adopted for valuation of the assets and, where applicable, the liabilities on the date for calculating the exchange ratio will be the same as those used for the NAV calculation
as described in the chapter “Net Asset Value” of the Book I of the prospectus.
Registered shareholders will receive registered shares.
Shareholders of bearer shares will receive dematerialised bearer shares. No balancing cash adjustment will be paid for the fraction of the Receiving share attributed beyond the third decimal.
Last subscription, conversion and redemption orders in the Merging classes will be accepted until the cut-off time on 13 February 2013. Orders received after this cut-off time will be rejected.
To facilitate the merger operation, subscription, conversion and redemption orders in the Receiving classes received after the cut-off time on 13 February 2013 will be suspended and
treated on the NAV of 15 February 2013 calculated on 18 February 2013. NAV of 14 February 2013 will not be calculated.
Merger will be effective on 18 February 2013, first NAV calculation day taking into account merged assets.
The Receiving class has identical features to the Merging class.
All Packs
All expenses related to this merger will be borne by BNP Paribas Investment Partners Luxembourg, the management company of the Company.
As any merger, this operation may involve a risk of performance dilution.
Shareholders are recommended to seek full information in their country of origin, place of residence or domicile on the possible tax consequences associated with this merger operation.
Shareholders whose shares are held by a clearing house are advised to enquire about the specific terms applying to subscriptions, redemptions and conversions made via this type of Intermediary.
The merger will have no other specific impact for the shareholders of the Receiving shares classes.
Shareholders of the Merging and Receiving sub-funds who do not accept the merger may ask the redemption of their shares free of charge until the cut-off time on 8 February 2013 included.
Merger ratios as well as the proportion of the new securities subject to the European 35% capital gains tax, which will be levied at the time the securities are merged, will be available
on the website as soon as they are known and by 23 February 2013 at the latest.
Luxembourg, 8 January 2013, The